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Our Story

Namaste from Nepal! 🙏

We are a small group of Nepali women who make glass bead bracelets. These glass bead bracelets are the means for Nepali women to uplift their life, which is the real significance of our name, “YANTRA.”(YANTRA is derived from Sanskrit and means “sacred geometry,” which is a geometric figure that embodies a specific concept, in this case, providing an opportunity for Nepali women to elevate their lives.)

Making these bracelets provides a sustainable income source and encourages Nepali women to present their hidden skills in terms of design and concept.

Our glass beaded bracelets uplift Nepali women’s lives through the fairtrade concept. Every woman who makes these bracelets has been able to support themselves and become economically independent. Along with themselves, these bracelets have the power to support their family and rise above poverty.

Thank you for stopping by and for your small step to empower the women and their skills.

If you have any queries, please feel free to write to us

Women at work (Process of roll on bead bracelets)

roll on handmade bead bracelets nepal
roll on bead bracelets nepal
roll on bead bracelets nepal
roll on bead bracelets nepal

Facebook: Yantra Himalaya
Instagram: Yantra_Himalaya
Youtube: Yantra Himalaya

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